How Page Speed Affects SEO & Google Rankings?

Speed is very important for a website that Google has made it an actual ranking factor. Google uses algorithms for better search results for users and Google officially said about website speed has a part in its ranking algorithm.
Google announced that Page Speed would affect the website ranking. Quick loading websites will be SEO and user-friendly.
Also, In 2018 Google Algorithm has been updated and now page speed will be a ranking factor for web searches.
So, there are some major factors that can harm website SEO.
- Due to low loading speed bounce rate will get increased.
- It will Reduce Dwell Time.
- Due to the high bounce rate, traffic will get degraded which results in a poor website ranking.
- It will lead to a poor user experience.
And all these things will directly affect SEO & Google Rankings.
Over time, Google has taken action to help developers and webmasters improve websites’ loading speed by providing a tool.
The tool was named Google Page Speed Insight.

Google page insight will let you know how fast the content on your page loads. Also, it will tell you the issues in your website that lead to poor loading speed. Mostly technical SEO issues.

You have to enter the URL in the search box and click analyze, after a few seconds the tool will return with some results regarding your website’s mobile and desktop speed.
With page speed, it will give you the top reasons for low speed.
And most of the website will get these top 4 reasons or this:
- Unoptimized Images
- Server Performance
- js&css Minification Issue
- Unnecessary themes and plugins
Now, how we can fix these problems?
- Use image optimization tools like wp smush, Image Optimizer, wp optimize, etc. Also, you can add manually optimized images from
- Choose a good hosting server and use Content Delivery Network (CDN) for optimizing website speed.
- Use Google Tag Manager to solve javascript issues and for CSS & JavaScript minifications use minifier plugins compatible with your site like Hummingbird, W3 Total Cache, etc.
- Use only relevant, highly rated & important plugins for the site.
Let’s See the benefits of fast-loading websites.
A fast-loading website will improve all areas of online marketing.
Improve User Experience
Achieve marketing goals
Less bounce rate
Good SEO ranking
Easily indexed on search engines.
As we have seen website speed is one of the important things for Google ranking factor and SEO, so every business must adopt a proper SEO strategy to see their website on the first page of the search engine. And as a Top SEO Company in Nagpur, we provide result-oriented SEO services at an affordable rate.